Monday, August 4, 2008

5000 Gamerpoints Achieved!

It has been a short three months since I got my Xbox, and already I find myself staring at the little five followed by three digits. Amazing, especially considering at this point I have only played eight retail games and one arcade game so far. It's not surprising that I got to this point, though; I knew it would happen eventually. I've always been a little bit obsessive (as evidenced by my need to complete Mega Man X using only the X-Buster) when it comes to nit-picky little achievements, most of which (prior to the 360) didn't actually have any purpose besides bragging rights. Yes, I did indeed brag that I could complete Mega Man X in under 3 hours using only one weapon. 'Twas a mighty achievement...for me.

Then along came the 360 and my obsessiveness found itself an outlet...and a new obsession. The number next to the circled G means nothing, counts for nothing, yet somehow I can't help but find myself pushing harder and harder to get that number higher and higher. A part of me wants to perfect every single game in existence in order to get that number as high as possible...but most of me wants the achievements to be worthwhile...something WORTHY of bragging about. Either I break my thumbs trying to do it right, or I don't do it at all.

With this in mind, I am creating this blog to chronicle my descent into the depths of this world I like to call Achievement Unlocked. Each and every game I play coupled with each Achievement I make will hopefully be chronicled here for posterity (more likely than not, just myself staring at my past and wondering where the time went). As gaming blogs go, this won't be cutting edge. I won't have new information...most likely information about games long forgotten to all but myself and a few others.

So welcome. Welcome to the horrors of the Achievement world.

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