Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Medal of Honor, et al.

Finally. After about 35 hours of playing (over time, not straight), I have finally completed Mass Effect for the first time. Yes, read that again if you need to; I did say "first time." Like the crazy weirdo I am, I do plan on running through the game a couple more times to unlock more achievements. Unlike Halo 3 or Assassin's where the extra achievements seem arbitrary or forced, the Mass Effect achievements are actually worth achieving, and I'm awfully close to completing two of them without much effort as I have a character sitting comfortably at level 49 with one achievement waiting at level 50 and another at level 60. Some will be a bit harder, a couple examples being the Hard and Insane playthroughs, though I do look forward to the challenge.

As I am not yet done with the game, I shall not post my full thoughts on it yet. I'll wait until I'm ready to put it on the shelf for a rainy day far down the road.

All of that said, I'd like to say that it has one of the most awesome planet-landing-loading-screens ever. WOW.

Also, I do know about the DLC. I'm just too cheap to get it. ><

Current Gamerscore: 450 / 1000
Gamerscore Goal: 925/1000 (if not perfect)

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